
Having a legal sector expert cast their eye over your financial information can give you a one-off view of how you are doing and where improvements can be made.

It is quite easy to know you are doing ok, but do you know what good really looks like?

Finance Director Roles

Useful for all firms but especially those that are keen to sense check their own performance.


Analysis of how you compare to some of the legal benchmarks available, as well as commentary as to the drivers of change.


To enable accurate and prompt decision making.


Timelines vary depending on the quality of your existing financial data. 3-4 weeks is a normal timescale.

Mergers & Acquisitions
How Much?

This is a fixed service of £975 every time you require it.

Those enrolled in the outsourced FD service get this service for free once per annum.

Ready to Talk?

Board Meetings & Packs

Budgeting & Forecasting

Business Plans


Accounts & Tax Returns