Valuations & Disputes

As I discuss here, one of the most common strategic finance projects I get involved in for law firms is Mergers and Acquisitions. This means I have become an expert at understanding how to value a law firm and what makes one firm more or less profitable than the other. As a by-product of that, I am often asked to value law firms, not for M&A reasons. So that might be:

  • For the purposes of establishing a valuation for HMRC purposes (e.g. before entry into an Employee Owned Trust)
  • Because there is a disagreement between the existing owners with respect to profit shares
  • As an expert witness due to a disagreement between departing owners

In all cases I scope out what works for you and offer a variety of packages (including fixed fees) depending on how much support you need.

See below for links to our specific services.

Practice Valuation

Detailed Practice Valuation

Expert Witness

WIP Valuation

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